About the course – a video introduction
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What the course is about – in short:
It’s a concise, one-hour-long video which will be available as an unlisted YouTube video.

The full benefits and contents of the OBE course
This OBE course is designed to raise your vibration through:
- Eliminating your death fears (as during astral travel you understand there’s no death)
- Getting you in touch with your Greater Self (and thus understanding how powerful, unique, and lovable you are)
- Getting you in touch with guides (so that you know you’re never alone and that you’re loved)
- Allowing you to deconstruct any limiting beliefs in the astral
- Allowing you to change your life blueprint and thus destiny (a new development for us as humans)
- Filling you with attractive, other-worldly energy
- Making you perceive life as a movie/game/school, thus removing much seriousness from it and thus heavy energies
The course covers the following topics
- Who are the non-physical entities around you when you’re projecting and how to deal with them.
- How to understand your personality is not you but a construct only used in this current life and why it’s so freeing to know this.
- How to gain more lucidity in your physical life until it carries over into your dream life.
- The best lucidity-inducing techniques that worked for me and which are likely to work for you, too, with clear examples.
- Why reality checks sometimes fail and how to avoid this mistake.
- How long it usually takes to learn astral projection.
- The most powerful sound to easily astral project.
- How to create the best circumstances to induce astral projection.
- How to gain universal energy for more stable and frequent astral projections.
- Some things that may prevent astral projection.
- Some spirit tricks which prevent people from successfully leaving their bodies.
- Two ways to travel out of your body: via astral and mental bodies.
- How to leave the body with your astral body.
- How to project using your mental body.
- Differences between astral and mental body projections.
- Why sometimes people try yet are unable to astral project.
- How to progress in your astral journeys.
- What causes people to tune out of astral worlds.
- How to stay longer in astral worlds.
- How to be able to go back to some astral place which you liked.
- What to do if you encounter negative entities in the astral.
- What to do if you fear to astral project.
- Why some people are unable to enter the real astral and are kept in an astral testing ground.
- Your creative capacities in the astral.
- How to remember your astral journeys.
- When it’s dangerous to astral project.
- How to check now whether your astral journeys will be happy or scary.
- Astral sex.
- …and more!