This is a six-month or longer every-second-day WhatsApp voice message coaching program designed to permanently shift your attraction point and establish a conscious connection with your Higher Self.
It will help you maintain a high vibration until it solidifies into your new attraction point, and my energy field is no longer required to keep your vibration high.
The way this coaching works is that we maintain a regular conversation through which you get mindset-shifting techniques, become aware of the unconscious patterns running your life, and get inspired to keep your vibration high.
Some clients do little talking, and my teachings take up most of the time; some clients prefer getting shorter guidance whilst explaining their current mindset and daily events.
So the coaching is not rigid but is adjusted according to each client, and the time isn’t rigid either – some clients need longer guidance on certain days, and no guidance on others, but 10 minutes duration is a good orientation point.
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Next Level State coaching
$150 a month (every second day)
There are no available slots at this moment. Please fill in your details here to be notified when an opening occurs.

The way this program works is that you record an audio message (via WhatsApp) to which I’ll respond within an hour or so, unless I sleep or am in a noisy environment.
Since I’ve been coaching people for many years, I can feel where you are vibrationally at, and when your vibration shifts.
It’s hard to see the energy patterns running your life, so it’s of great help for someone to point out the nuances of your energy and whether it’s shifting up.
Without the help of someone of a high vibration, what usually happens is that people attempt to raise their vibration, but the momentum they have going on eventually drags them back to where they were initially.
With a help of a high vibration person skilled in coaching, you’ll get the energy boost on a regular basis, and six months is a long enough time for you to permanently cement yourself on a higher vibration, though some of my clients, seeing the benefits, choose to be coached longer.
It’s very important to be committed to this coaching for at least six months, as this is the minimum period it takes for most people to get established on a better timeline, and start maintaining the higher vibration without the external support.

In case you’re not familiar with me, for 16+ years I’ve been living a life on my own terms, working for myself, traveling to my favorite countries, and having the freedom of time which rarely is the case with business owners.
I’m happily married, I work only when I want, and the positive feedback of my happy clients makes my existence even more purposeful and fulfilling.
Here’s why it’s so important to permanently shift your vibration
Most people go about changing their reality by working harder or differently. But this almost never works, or if it does, they waste a great deal of energy and time on it.
The foundational energy remains the same, so they need to work hard all the time, as if they stop, they’re back to where they started.
Real change happens by changing your base vibration. By shifting it higher, your manifestations naturally change – you attract better events, and you manifest easily, without putting any extra effort. And as long as that base vibration lasts, you’ll keep attracting higher manifestations, because it’s not about action, but your vibration.
Once you reach a higher vantage point, some of your previously perceived problems will resolve by themselves, to others you’ll see obvious solutions, and you’ll wonder how come you didn’t perceive them before, and you’ll get inspired to take the easiest and the most effective action to manifest your desires.
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Requirements for the Next Level State coaching
In order to be eligible for this coaching, you should meet these requirements:
- You must be ready to stop focusing on what you’re not happy with in your current reality.
- You must be willing to apply the advice given during our regular sessions.
- You must be ready and eager to experience a better quality of life – the next stage of your conscious manifestation.
Q: When can I expect you to be online?
A: I’m available from around 12 pm till 12 am, EEST.
Q: Can I cancel the coaching earlier in case I feel it’s not suitable for me?
A: I expect you to honor at least six months of commitment, unless you really feel like this coaching is not for you. I cannot force you to commit to something you don’t feel like engaging in, so you are free to cancel if you feel it’s not helping. You can manage your subscription through this link.
Q: How to know if this coaching is right for me?
A: To really benefit from this coaching, you should feel called to get it. You must be energetically aligned with this offer for you to benefit from it.
Q: What happens after I order?
A: Wait for my personal email – I’ll send you my WhatsApp number, and then text me so that I have your number, too. We can arrange a ten-minute introductory call so that I understand your energy at the beginning of our coaching journey. Alternatively, after the order, contact me here.