Our earth is already 5D – Eden – the Happy Dream of A Course in Miracles. But because of our deep conditioning, we don’t see it. We see through our beliefs, traumas, and genes.
It’s time to heal all that is dark, to integrate, so that we are no longer beings in pieces, but unified. That’s how we will perceive the New Earth.
The Kingdom of Heaven is spread all over the earth but men cannot see.
— Thomas Gospel
Now is the heavy part. The part that the new age spirituality doesn’t talk about. It’s the integration of the shadow, by exposing that which is dark to the light.
If you keep your traumas hidden, they stay with you. If you integrate your shadow by not pushing it into the darkness but facing it with acceptance, as an estranged part of you, you heal.
I’m doing the shadow work at the moment. And as I was talking on the phone with my mother whilst drinking my morning’s coffee (my morning starts past the afternoon though:)), I saw a huge, huge, huge raven flying close to my home. It was there for quite some time, long enough for me to go out and show it on a video call to my mother, as she loves birds.
It was hovering there for a reason. Raven symbolizes the shadow part of humanity, among other things. It was close to my home because I’m doing shadow integration.
And now, as the day is nearing the end, I just got a YouTube video suggestion, totally not in sync with anything I watch, of a famous youtuber Isis Morales (I’m judging her fame based on the views the video got). The video is called I married a monster.
This woman just a few days ago found out that her perfect husband was sexually abusing her small daughters, aged 2 and 4.
Now this also brings me to the P. Diddy arrest, and God knows what else is being exposed in the world of Hollywood – I don’t keep up with it. But this incident was so big, that I heard of it from Instagram posts.
Why are these things now being brought into the light? Because people are waking up, so as the light in this world increases, darkness must be exposed. In the future, for sure even more of it will rise to the surface. And it’s not because, as some think, the world is becoming worse. The world always had such darkness – but only now it starts rising into the surface, as humanity detoxifies.
The story of Isis Morales deeply moved me, and brought back some of the memories of my childhood.
As you probably know very well if you’ve followed me for a long time, I had a dysfunctional father. He was an alcoholic, and he knew how to emotionally manipulate to the extent that I would break down in tears as an e.x.t.r.e.m.e.l.y sensitive teenager, and depression started looming over me.
I was faced with two choices. Either to just consciously check out, to exit my painful brain (it would have left me deranged), or to somehow learn to get in control of my emotions.
Fortunately, I chose the latter option, and I started meditating, since the age of 16. This actually really turned my life around, so my father became a catalyst to my success. You see, darkness can either break you, or it can be used as a stepping stone to success.
But there was something I didn’t share with you about my father. I was hiding these incidents because of shame. And now, as I’m doing deep inner shadow work, I realize that all this time I was hiding the darkness of another, the shame of another, and not of my own.
This sharing is very important, because we, as those of the light, heal collectively when we expose darkness. That doesn’t mean you personally must share, but you will know when and if that time comes for you.
This darkness didn’t come from us, pure beings. It started because of seeming separation from God; this story is also told in the form of humans being manipulated by those of other dimensions who see us as a food source.
No matter from which angle you see it, we, spirits of light, were turned against each other, and we hate one another, and so remain unhealed and emotionally available for more abuse, whilst the true perpetrators are kept in darkness and feed on our energy.
My father was inappropriately behaving with me, though not to an extent of proper sexual abuse. Yet how can this even be defined, what proper sexual abuse is? It was inappropriate, and who knows, it actually is likely that he abused me even more as a child too young to recollect anything.
You see, my father was not only an alcoholic, he was also a sex addict. Thankfully, we saw less and less of him as time passed, and eventually, when I was 16, he left our family.
After his death, I met with his first daughter of his former wife. And she told me that he traumatized her to such a degree that he should be rotting in jail for many years, if the justice system only knew. This made me thankful that I was almost never left alone with him, because I had a brother.
Yet, the trauma was there, making me very suspicious of people in general. Because of this, and some other events that happened in my life such as being almost beaten by one girl just because I had formed a group and was its leader, I closed up to a great degree.
Yet, these traumas, again, served me. Because they made me very introspective, and immune to the heard mentality. So I set out on a unique road, the road that is leading me now to the brink of full awakening.
I never dwelt on these traumas. I made peace with what happened to me and let them go. They never formed a story of my life. When people make traumas part of their identity, that’s when they serve to the disadvantage.
I’m writing this not to condone traumas, but to understand that any trigger can serve for your benefit or your fall. You, and only you, decide how to respond.
A very important thing that helps to heal is understanding that people who inflict harm unconsciously carry the corrupted genes of their generations. Now, talking about this spiritually, it’s so much more than corrupted genes. These people are full of generational and non-generational entities that talk through them and act through them.
These entities can only leave if you become conscious and present. Even if you pay some preacher to take them out of you, they are very likely return, or you’ll get new ones, because you need to do inner work to fill yourself, so that there’s no empty space in you for them to inhabit.
This inner work consists of being present in your body rather than being absent-minded and thus leaving your earthly vehicle unattended (and what’s empty in you gets filled with entities, unfortunately), and also by doing shadow integration work. Healing the inner child is also important.
As spirits, we are all pure. But spirits that are not in charge of their vehicles leave them to be directed by the entities. So when you understand that whoever wronged you is the mixture of defunct genes and entities and not the spirit (that is deeply asleep and knows nothing of its vehicle being carelessly driven), you can truly forgive.
I know very little of my father’s family. Yet what I know is unsettling. My father’s father was an extremely cruel man, frequently beating his children. His mother, whom I saw when she was very old, seemed to be in denial. Though this is just an assumption, it’s likely that the mother turned a blind eye to her husband regularly beating the children, because what would she do, when women had no say in such matters, as men were the only breadwinners?
But now, as we are growing out of the deep unconsciousness of our culture, our work is to heal the broken parts of us, so that we break the chains of dysfunction. This is done also through forgiving those who wronged us, as we are all victims in this artificial system of control.
As we integrate ourselves and there’s no resonance left of this defunct system, we rise above it; and our healing makes it easier for others to do the same.

Just an hour ago, one friend of mine also said she’s been doing “shadow work”. Then I saw this post. It may be also the new shift of Pluto in astrology that brings the humankind to rise from unconscious layers. Thank you, dear friend.
Thank you, Pasi.
The video by Isis also randomly showed up on my feed.
I loved this entire post.
There’s something I think I need to bring into the light but I’m nervous to do so.